Glowers Club

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Occupation:Beaver's footstoll
Known aliases:crossdresscode, cdchode, cdsimp

The lowest of the low, a simp for an e-girl, and not just any e-girl, a married one in her 50s. He spends his days gleefully watching her blogposts in rdp, (real dick penis), one hand on his dick, the other on his keyboard. For the brief periods he puts two hands on the computer he spends the time making painfully unfunny memes in hopes m'lady will give him a crumb of attention and make his day.

A Glimpse Into The Abyss

A certain glowers club member was informed our glorious homeserver admin let a WOMAN have an account. Clearly this is unacceptable, so he swiftly took action to inform the masses that glowers club had indeed fallen. After sending his warnings he was hit with an immediate reply explaining the truth of the situation; which was worth 10,000 more lols… CDCODE PAID $200 $250 TO CREATE THE FOID AN ACCOUNT!

As news initially began to spread he openly embraced his simp status without denial, but as more and more men with their testicles intact found out he tried play it off with a transparent cope. Unfortunately for him we have a screenshot of his very own original message for all to openly see his hapless misery. The terms are clear beaver gets a matrix account and q gets $250.

Fan Comments

“the most pathetic matrix user. this guy is even worse than the twitch simps, at least they get their name read by the young cleavage girl, HE GETS NOTHING” -fuckjuice

“he literally sounds like sargon” -sharp

“Still the largest Glowers benefactor. I'm actually sitting on the office chair purchased with those simp bucks. Thanks cdcode! *farts on the chair* ” -q

“Bro rly spent $250 to buy an account for a married hag… Nuclear simpdom” -albie

“honestly the most embarrassing thing ive ever heard, i respect a guy who donates to a vtuber more” -theytookthisfromyou

“I don't know the guy, but how much would I have to pay to get the account deleted?” -kenny

“He's a GIMP. GILF Simp. $250 is actually enough for a decent used Honda HRN mower btw” -dude_mon

“not even I could be caught simping this hard” -zx12

“Jokes aside I legit think it’s pathetic but he’s an ok dude and I hope he learns from this” -bigsip

“A dedicated loyalist to the qween.” -avf

“ >mac user ” -bronze

“i dont have comment but cdcode is a balding low T male im assuming” -aytone

“The day q became a pimp and made the first sexual-monetary transaction ever in the glowers club was infamous for two reasons: firstly, because it mirrored the fall of the Roman empire… and secondly, it was the only time in the entirety of human history that a man remained an incel after paying full price for sex” -neevo

“least simpy rdp member” -forbiddenisland

“that boy aint right” -gopile

“ive finally decided to not read ‘No More Mr Nice Guy’ by Robert Glover” -also gopile


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