Glowers Club

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Grin by fuckjuice

Quick Rundown

Age:heh, older than you kid
Mood:n-not mad
Mental state:Insane

Insane man, broken English, believes being online for longer than you is something to respect BUCKO, tries doing that pseudo intellectual I've got you all figured out kid thing, “I've seen a million of you you're just another target boy”, tells you he isn't mad but will then proceeds to write paragraphs expressing this belief, possibly lonely, definitely a tsundere. I personally have grown fond of grin and will enjoy teasing him and playing chess together for years to come.

The Events

I join grin's room mess around for a bit in an attempt to get into his devop room so I can mess around further in there, rms gets a little too drunk and starts spazzing out and spamming so I drop the act and join in the fun, we add a few aliases the usual shit and get banned by his buddy. Then something odd happens grin decides to unban me and invite me back, believing he can “talk some sense into me” or whatever which is how is TSUNDERE NATURE became an ESTABLISHED FACT. Now I pop into his room to chat with him from time to time and decipher his broken English.

Fan Comments

“god grin is so cringe, who lets these people onto the internet?”~ms.cegination

“insane, also needs to work on his English skills, I think he secretly likes me but he'll never admit it uwu”~fuckjuice

“Quite possibly the most pathetic attempt at being relevant I've ever seen”~bronze

“Wtf is this guy”~Teen Pregnancy

“Grin is a very mature DevOp who I look forward to learning from for years to come”~q

“has anyone even seen him grin? god i wish that were me.”~Adolf Honkler